Service Fees

Service Fees

All charges are subject to change without notice, and are not guaranteed unless confirmed by phone or fax.

Basic Fees

DescriptionCurrent Charge
Chargeback $5.00
Cheque Drawn in US Funds $20.00
Interac ATM Transaction $1.50
Plus / Cirrus ATM Transaction (minimum) $3.50
Plus International (overseas) $5.00
Close Account Within 180 Days of Opening $25.00
Inactive Accounts (per month) $3.00
Interim Monthly Statement (per month) - in-branch $5.00
Interim Monthly Statement - Mailing Fee $10.00
NSF Returned Item Charge (per item) $40.00
Overdraft Handling Charge (per item) $5.00
CVCU Initiated Transfers $10.00
Request For Funds Held $10.00
Stop Payment (complete details) $12.00
Stop Payment (incomplete details) $20.00
Balance of Account $25.00
Unqualified Clearing Item $10.00
Utility Bill Payments:
@ Teller
@ Memberlink / MemberDirect / ATM
Bank Confirmation $25.00
Official Cheque $7.50
US Draft $9.00 + Travelex Fee
Estate Administration Fee:
Set-up Fee
@ Memberlink / MemberDirect / ATM
Record Searches (per item) $5.00
Record Searches (extensive per hour minimum) $35.00
Items Held / Sent on Collection $25.00
Registered Plan Transfer Out (RRSP/RRIF/TFSA) $100.00
Third Party Demand / Garnishee (Per Remittance) $25.00
Transfer Between Accounts (phone) $5.00
Account Balances (phone) $4.00
Wire Transfer - Outgoing
less than $10,000
$10,000 to $50,000
over $50,000
Fees are charged in the currency of the transfer
$25.00 + Intermediary Fees
Wire Transfer - Incoming $10.00
Night Deposit Service - Includes Generic Deposit Book FREE
Foreign Exchange:
buy or sell US Currency
(max $300 - non-member)
cash foreign Travellers Cheques
(max $300 - non-member)
Post Dated Item Box $3.00 per item
Cash / Coin orders in Branch $5.00 per order
Replace Lost Chip Card - In Branch $10.00
Replace Lost Chip Card - Mailed $25.00
GIC Partial Redemption - In addition to interest penalty if applicable $25.00
Custom Written Letter $25.00

Loan Fees

DescriptionCurrent Charge
Business Annual Review (minimum) $100.00
Delinquent Notices:
each notice
phone contact
Discharge - PPSA $25.00
Discharge - Mortgage
Commercial Mortgage
Retail Mortgage
Independent Appraisal COST
Property Inspection by Staff $150.00
Land Title Searches $50.00
Letters of Credit (minimum/or) $200.00/1%
Construction Mortgage Set-Up $750.00
Loan Modifications $35.00
Search & Registration Fee (security agreement) $75.00
Search Fee (PPSA) - member request $25.00
Statement of Interest Paid $25.00
Commercial Line of Credit Standby Fee:
5K - 25K
25K - 50K
50K - 100K
100K +