Mobile Banking Step By Step Instructions

Mobile Banking Step By Step Instructions

In order to use Mobile Banking Text Messaging, you must first have access to free Internet banking. Call 250-344-2282 or toll free (888) 298-1777 to subscribe.

Before proceeding, grab your cell phone and turn it on. You might want to print this page to follow along. If you do, please recycle.

Registering Your Cell Phone

  1. Login to online banking with your account number and personal access code.
  2. Click the Member Services tab at the top of the page.
  3. Click the Mobile Banking shortcut on the left side of the page.
  4. On the next page, click Register Your Phone for Mobile Banking at the bottom of the page.
  5. Click I Agree at the bottom of the user agreement page.
  6. On the next page, enter your cell phone number including the area code, then select your carrier. Click Continue
  7. A passcode will be sent to your cell phone. Look for the passcode on your cell phone and enter it on the passcode page. Click Continue
  8. Your cell phone is now registered to receive text messages from Mobile Banking. Use the following instructions to set up your account preferences.

Setting Your Account Preferences

On the account preferences page you can select which accounts you wish to receive information for, and what Nicknames you wish to use to identify your accounts.

  1. Select which account you wish to be the Primary Account. This account will be the default for information you receive on your cell phone, unless you say otherwise by texting a Nickname.
  2. In the Mobile Access column, de-select any accounts you don't wish to receive information for.
  3. In the Nickname column, leave the suggested nicknames or change them to nicknames you can remember. There is a maximum of 5 digits per nickname. Click Confirm.
  4. To view the commands you can use for Mobile Banking, click View Available Mobile Banking Commands at the top of the preferences page.

Available Mobile Banking Commands

HINT: Most cell phones allow you to create "Canned Messages" for frequently used messages. You can create canned messages for the following commands so you don't have to remember them.

  • ACT - For the account activity of your primary account
  • ACT <account nickname> - For the account activity of a specific account
  • BAL - For the balance of your primary account
  • BAL ALL - For the balances of all your accounts
  • BAL <account nickname> - For the balance of a specific account
  • DISABLE - To temporarily disable your phone
  • HELP - For a list of the commands you can use
  • INFO - For contact info about Columbia Valley Credit Union
  • STOP - To permanently delete your phone

Text Messaging From Your Cell Phone

A great resource for "texting" is young people! They all know how to do it! If you can't find a young person to show you, follow these general guidelines.

  1. Using your cell phone menu, create a new text message
  2. Key in a mobile banking command from above. For instance, if you want the balance of your default account, key in the command BAL  (Commands can be upper case or lower case letters)
  3. Send the command to the phone number 66639 (MONEY) You can also add this phone number to your contact list so you don't have to remember it.

Now try using different commands, or a combination command such as BAL ALL (Gets the balances of all your accounts)